Powtech exhibition in Nuremberg
Last April Starvac took part to international exhibition Powtech and presented the innovation of the first industrial retractable hose, besides many other new products for the first time.
Fight against dust
A research activity is underway to study which is the better shape and due airflow for the central vacuum used together with industrial power tools. Good results have been achieved and can be seen in the attached video. You can clearly see how connecting the suction...
ATEX Z22 Vacuum System
A new central vacuum system was recently installed in a local industry processing organic stabilizers. The regulations in this sector are very strict and therefore particular attention has been paid in assembly the whole system completely antistatic and compatible...
Starvac company is certificated ISO 9001 and can achieve on the whole central vacuum system an ATEX Z22 standard.

Certificate of Conformity n. Q-2898-20
to ISO 9001:2015 standard

ATEX version Z22
Risk-free in case of organic dust
Guaranteed answer, within 24 working hours.

Starvac SCS
Zona Produttiva Vurza 6
I-39055 Laives (BZ)
EORI IT02989080219
Starvac SCS
via Rio Vallarsa, 5
I-39055 Laives (Bz)